La réflexologie plantaire consciente

On entend souvent parler de la réflexologie plantaire et de ses bienfaits pour le corps et l’esprit.

Mais comment la réflexologie plantaire peut-elle être aussi salvatrice pour le corps ?

La médecine traditionnelle chinoise se base sur  le qi (ou chi), cette énergie naturelle qui habite notre corps et qui, lorsqu’elle circule aisément, participe au maintien de la santé. Quelque fois, certains troubles de santé tels que les  inflammations ou les tensions entravent sa libre circulation ainsi, nous tombons malade !

D’après la médecine chinoise, les pieds seraient la représentation miniaturisée du corps humain. De ce fait, chaque terminaison nerveuse, appelée aussi zone réflexe, correspondrait à un organe ou à une partie de l’organisme. Lorsqu’un organe ou une partie du corps fonctionnent mal, l’énergie circule difficilement et peut entrainer un blocage. Ce dernier se répercute sur un point précis de la plante du pied. L’objectif de la séance, sera de détecter les tensions corporelles pour les libérer en rétablissant la circulation de l’énergie.

Quel est l’objectif de la réflexologie plantaire ?

Le but de la réflexologie est d’élimer la cause de la maladie et pas uniquement, les symptômes de celle-ci. Car souvent, le symptôme désigne un organe précis mais la cause du dysfonctionnement de cet organe vient d’ailleurs, et, c’est à cet endroit là que le travail se fera. C’est pourquoi, Il n’existe pas de massage type en fonction de tel ou tel trouble mais plutôt des traitements sur-mesure. Le thérapeute prendra en compte la personne dans la globalité de son être sans se concentrer uniquement sur la zone douloureuse. Il ne faut donc pas être étonnée si le massage ne se focalise pas sur la zone douloureuse mais sur toute la surface du pied.

Le réflexologue suit un protocole complet, en insistant sur certaines zones, pour remettre l’organisme en situation d’homéostasie. La séance commencera  le plus souvent par le pied gauche afin de détendre le patient et déloger les toxines puis, le massage se poursuivra sur le pied droit, siège des troubles profonds et chroniques.

Et le bénéfice ?

La régularité des séances vous emmènera vers la guérison de certains voire de tous vos troubles de santé car, à la suite de celles-ci, les toxines sont éliminées grâce au regain d’énergie de tous les systèmes épuratifs : sang, lymphe et énergie.

Vous ressentirez assez rapidement bien-être et vitalité. Certaines de vos douleurs disparaitront progressivement. Il faudra toutefois faire preuve de patience car le délai dépend de l’ancienneté de vos troubles et de leur causes.

Pourquoi parler de réflexologie plantaire consciente ?

La réflexologie plantaire consciente va vous emmener à prendre conscience de la cause de vos maux, qu’ils soient physiques et/ou psychiques.

Cette prise de conscience se fait au travers d’un questionnement respectueux de vos habitudes de vie, de vos douleurs (psychique et/ou physique) passées, de votre niveau de stress, de bonheur, de vos habitudes alimentaires, de votre hygiène de vie…

En effet, le corps ne peut retrouver une homéostasie stable que si le patient est pris en charge dans sa globalité : le corps, le cœur et l’esprit. La réflexologie plantaire consciente est un allié précieux pour vous y aider.

Bien entendu, le réflexothérapeute ne peut travailler seul et, vous serez invités à changer certaines de vos habitudes afin d’obtenir des résultats probants et durables.

Vous êtes, dans ce genre de séance, acteur de votre santé physique et psychique, le réflexothérapeute devient alors un guide.

Je vous souhaite une très agréable séance.

Céline Duclos.



0 réponses à “La réflexologie plantaire consciente

  1. In our days cellular communication has become an integral part of in the life of every person. Mobile phone is used not only for calls and news, also for accessing the web, social networks, online and many other services. But what if you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of telephone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be applied for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number possibly could be useful in the following cases:

    1. Registration on websites and services that require proof phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing add-ons.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or surveys.
    4. Hiding personal phone number when communicating with strangers people.

    Lease of telephone number can be either one-time or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country either city. Price of rent depends on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and non-threatening. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    So, renting a phone number can be a convenient and reliable method to obtain a temporary number for various purposes. Use this service with mind and discretion to to avoid unpleasant situations.

  2. In our time cellular communication has become an integral part of of our lives. Mobile phone used not only for calls and notices, but also for accessing the Internet, social networks, online and many other services. But what if you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of phone number. Many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be used for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number may useful in the following cases:

    1. Registration on websites and services that require proof phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing applications.
    3. Conducting advertising campaigns, mailings or sample surveys.
    4. Hiding personal phone number when communicating with unknown people.

    Lease of phone number can be either simultaneous or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country either town. Cost of rent may depend on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and safe. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    In this way, renting a phone number can be a comfortable and reliable way to obtain a temporary number for various purposes. Use this service with mind and caution to to avoid annoying situations.

  3. In our time cellular communication has become an integral share of our lives. Cell phone used not only for calls and news, but also for accessing the web, social networks, online banking and many other services. But what if for you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of phone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be used for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number may could be useful in the following cases:

    1. Registration on sites and services that require confirmation phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing add-ons.
    3. Conducting advertising campaigns, mailings or sample surveys.
    4. Hiding personal phone number when communicating with strangers people.

    Lease of phone number can be either one-time or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or city. Price of rent depends on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and non-threatening. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    So, renting a phone number can be a comfortable and reliable method to obtain a temporary number for different purposes. Use this service with mind and caution to to avoid annoying situations.

  4. In our time cellular communication has become an integral share of our lives. Mobile phone is used not only for calls and news, also for accessing the Internet, social networks, online banking and many other services. But what if you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such situations you can use the rental service of telephone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be applied for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number may could be useful in subsequent cases:

    1. Registration on websites and services that require proof telephone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing add-ons.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or surveys.
    4. Hiding own phone number when communicating with unknown people.

    Lease of phone number can be either simultaneous or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or town. Cost of rent may depend on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and safe. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    In this way, renting a phone number can be a comfortable and reliable way to obtain a temporary number for various purposes. Use this service with brain and discretion to to avoid nasty situations.

  5. In our days cellular communication has become an integral part of of our lives. Mobile phone is used not only for calls and messages, also for accessing the web, social networks, online and many other services. But what if for you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of phone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be applied for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number may could be useful in the following cases:

    1. Registration on sites and services that require confirmation phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing add-ons.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or sample surveys.
    4. Hiding own phone number when communicating with strangers people.

    Lease of phone number can be either simultaneous or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or city. Price of rent depends on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and safe. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    In this way, renting a phone number can be a convenient and reliable method to obtain a temporary number for various purposes. Use this service with brain and caution to to avoid unpleasant situations.

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